
As someone who absolutely adores and routinely donates to our national parks, this is sickening.

If there are not sufficient resources to keep the parks staffed, they need to close until such time as staff levels can be returned to normal (and ideally, government pissing contests wouldn’t ever get in the way of public

This is what is going to make it difficult for Apple. If smartphones become a commodity device how does apple differentiate itself? By price? Good luck with that. I honestly have no idea what is going to happen but as a very satisfied Apple user, I wish them good luck.

At this point the smart phone market has peaked. There are only so many features you can cram in a handheld device. Sure you can improve the guts of the device but how many of your average consumers actually care about those things? I think the days of wow factor are over for the smart phone market and all we are going

When your full of soda and hearing and seeing a lot of water on screen I can see why.

It sounds like freedom but in the reality of corporate environments (ie film studios) it’s a dangerous form of inertia. Fail to plan = Plan to fail.

I agree that Marvel might be the Apple of superhero movies - they do a better job and make more money :)

I disagree. The analogy is too simple.

While I think this is sometimes true of Marvel, did you really know what you were getting with Guardians of the Galaxy? Thor Ragnarok? Black Panther? Even the first Captain America stands out as pretty different.

That’s a pretty anodyne statement given the inherently subjective nature of the inquiry—ear of the beholder and all that (to very poorly paraphrase the aphorism about beauty). To say nothing of the fact that whether it is good or bad is wholly irrelevant to this particular piece of news.

Exactly. No matter how you feel about the song or Robin Thicke, this is a terrible outcome for the music industry. 

I can’t wait until Warner Bros. sues the crap out of the next story about a group of kids in a magical world for capturing the feeling of Harry Potter. I don’t think people realize how bad a precedent this is, as almost all media is a variation of what came before it.

This is terrible. The song is alright if you’re into it I guess, and Thicke is an idiot...but what the fuck? Half of a song’s revenue because it kinda lifted a beat? Every Cumbia and every Raggaeton song ever use the same beats, yet somehow the Latin music industry has thrived. This ruling is bullshit and bad for art.

Why is a verdict excellent that will open the floodgates to all kinds of ludicrous copyright lawsuits by artists who claim that a song copied a ‘feeling’ of another song? I get it, you hate Robin Thicke, but being so dense and short sighted is no way to go through life.

Make no mistake, Blurred Lines is a gross sexist song that I’m happy has been largely forgotten.

At this point maybe wait until next gen, or at least until you see the next systems both platforms are announcing this year (Microsoft at E3, Sony at a date and location undisclosed as of yet). It’s not that getting an Xbox now is a bad idea, it’s just that we’re so close to seeing the next gen, maybe save that cash

Don’t believe he had the power to double the resources. The glove isn’t a magic lamp. It has very specific things it can and can’t do.

One of the advantages of the American interstate network is that you can avoid every single population center if you so desire. That thing is probably using a blown up Duracell for power, so no need for gas stations.

Going to miss Cap’s beautiful beard, but also it’s good to see clean-shaven Cap again! Cap is just a good looking dude all around.

I’d wager Hawkeye went Ronin after his family got Thanos-dusted.

I’ve always wondered why Google didn’t, in the first place, release Allo and Duo as one app. (Or integrate all of Allo and Duo’s features into Messages.)  Is there some reason I’m missing? I’ve never understood why they segregated those functions. The only reason it works on iOS/macOS is because the integration is