
Red Wedding: Christmas Edition.

“But his latest statements are particularly galling, even for Trump.”

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening” - Donald Trump, July 25, 2018.

Agreed. Tens of thousands would’ve been a better statistic. That said I wanna give Samsung the benefit of the doubt and that they’ve already run the numbers on how often people unlock their phones today in accordance with how many times they’ll fold and unfold this device.

I’m really over the “walled garden” analogy. It’s lazy, immature, and isn’t rooted in reality. iOS is the default platform for nearly every developer on the planet that’s converting desktop apps or web-only applications to the mobile world. It’s just a fact.

If hadn’t also reached out to Joss Whedon to help them with Justice League I probably wouldn’t say anything but hiring yet another fallen angel from Marvel just seems weird.

My initial thoughts went back to the controversy over The Princess and the Frog where the first Black Disney princess doesn’t stay Black throughout the film but is instead turned into a frog. I suppose so White families could take their kids to a movie that strays far away from the Black experience but instead just be

While Marvel should’ve re-hired Gunn — especially after the actors all unified calling for his return — it also shows how desperate DC is for a win that they continue to look for any Marvel alum to join their team.

Explorer is just so busy a dark mode, in my opinion, exposes its overtly excessive ornamentation.

First thing on my mind is what’s preventing Google from making the Google Coach available on iOS? It doesn’t sound like anything that’s tied to hardware so there’s no reason this can’t be just another app on iOS/watchOS. 

An argument could be made that part of the decision could involve the ecosystem you’re more invested in. If you’re more invested in Apple I think their Music platform is the better choice because of how tightly integrated all of their services are across Apple devices.  

“Remember she was supposed to be inactive after WWI...”

$10 bucks says every show will have people using iPhones, wearing Apple Watches, using Macs, Beats, AirPods and Home Pods as well as actors in scripted shows saying “I’ll look it up” instead of “I’ll Google it”. That or using Siri in very controlled and unrealistic situations.

Sure, it’s a bit more on the glossy side but they can only make so many changes since their stuck between the timelines of the first WW and Justice League.

I happen to agree with Nerdwriter. Thinking back to Man of Steel, part of the reason the fights are so forgettable is that they’re so incredibly repetitive and futile.

As someone else here already said, the fact that we’re even having this discussion is proof that the film is destined to do well. Maybe it won’t be in the vicinity of Avengers or even Wonder Woman but if it’s even close that would be an amazing feat for a film with an almost all-Black cast and means the rest of the

If China is willing to shell out over $200m for blue people (Avatar) it might be willing to do the same for Black people.

I see this as nothing but good as it ultimately means users will get the experience and performance we expect from an Apple product.

Seeing as how the initial impact will kill us all followed by nuclear winter that will extinguish what’s left might I recommend maxing out your credit cards and eating as many In ‘N Out burgers and Krispy Kreme donuts that you can.

Since Trump lacks any actual brains under that dead ferret he claims is hair, Bezos could simply promise that he’ll add “billions and billions” of jobs that will help grow the economy and erase the deficit by the end of 2018. Trump would not only approve the acquisition but make the announcement in the Rose Garden