
“...unfounded charges like calling him a rapist and a pedophile.”

“...lighthearted obnoxious taunt.”

Doh! Chalk it up to being late when I drafted this comment. Not sure how I got that so wrong.

If anyone ever wonders what makes the MCU so much different (read: better) than the DCEU it’s their very clear and detailed path to the future of their franchise.

“Anyway, if you’re horny from these nudes, please purchase a subscription to Sports Illustrated.”

I think it’s a little bit of a double-standard.

“I enjoyed MoS, I enjoyed BvS DC, and I enjoyed SS. They were by no means horrible so my opinion alone negates your hyperbolic proclamation.”

Comments like that will only be left by DC loyalists who will pay non-matinee prices for whatever secretes from WB/DC’s bowels.

“While it will only currently search for media in the iTunes store...”

I love the “how do we pay for it” line when the amount the U.S. spends on defense is most country’s entire GDP. How do we pay for it? How about close most of the bases we have in other countries, stop trying to be the world police (that’s the U.N. is for) and stop giving million dollar tax breaks to people who’re

“Hey girl! Whatcha doin’?!”
“Nothin’. Just getting caught up on the 22nd season of The Walking Dead. I’m so behind.”
“Wanna chat in VR?”
“Yeah (*sigh*)...sure, I guess so. Hold on a minute... hold on...uhhh, here it is. Damn, I need to clean this thing... smells like ass... wait, sh*t... hold on a minute, STEPHANIE?!!

I never knew about the prioritize download but most apps download so quickly that this doesn’t appear to be an issue but that’s good to know.

I still find the lack of the OS being part of the selection process a disservice to a review between Windows-driven hardware and Macs.

I’m not laughing ‘cause I was thinking the same thing. I’ve been a DirecTV for over a decade but something tells me they won’t bother telling me about it as they’d rather keep draining me of $135 every month.

Just think, in 5 years Trump will be dating her.

I asked Siri where I could get cookies and she gave me restaurants like BJ’s brewery, McDonald’s and Panda Express, but then again there’s not many places that only sell cookies other than Mrs. Field’s in malls.

I still love this movie and have already watched it twice since buying from iTunes a couple weeks ago.

*sigh* I’ll be so glad when all the other Android phones lose the headphone jack so people will stop pissing and moaning about the iPhone 7 not having it. This is the epitome of a “first world problem” where people walking around with supercomputer thinner than a deck of cards with the answers to the universe in their

Exactly. It’s no different than the dongle for headphones that convert the smaller 35mm headphone jack into the larger port for use on stereo equipment.

Probably right but, again, if people like Mark Zuckerberg are putting tape over their web cam it’s only a matter of time before the media starts their show with, “Is your computer spying on?”.