
I'm gonna say it. Prepare yourself: I enjoyed TMNT! Are the turtles grotesquely ugly? I suppose but, and stop me if this sounds crazy, but do we expect a quad of mutated turtles raised in sewers — you know, where our piss and feces go to live — and reared by a huge, mutated, likely disease-infested rodent are supposed

Is it just me or is Windows getting uglier? There are so many disparate aesthetic designs and functions that it's just a big sloppy amalgam of ideas with no continuous or harmonious theme.

Exactly! If we read every EULA of every product or service we used no one would use anything. My guess is the average person doesn't know that you can't sue your cell phone carrier if you feel they've been unfair or unjust. Everything is handled in arbitration which means the entire matter is handled behind closed

You could say the same of TV's but manufacturers have managed to find a way to create distinctive features that give each set it's own unique personality.

Pre-written or not it still takes a level of calculated memorization and immense brain power to connect the dots into something mildly coherent.

I'm all about keyboard shortcuts which combine limited range of motion but a solid command over your actions. Windows is a special case. I can navigate most every aspect of Windows from minimizing/maximizing screens to accessing Properties all without taking my hands off the keyboard.

It took nearly 3 minutes for me to regain my composure so I could type a response sans tears in my eyes. Brilliant!!

From a pure graphical standpoint it looks mighty impressive but based on the premise that time is breaking and is on the brink of total destruction the lead character doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry.

I've always been of the mind that RTS and RPG games are beyond my mental capacity because I'm well aware that they require far more intelligence and patience than I have to offer. But when you put in the context of how it trains your brain and the amount of skill required to play those types of games with any modicum

Go to Apple > About This Mac > click on "System Report" > click on "Bluetooth" then look to the list on the right to see if Handoff is supported.

I understand the frustration but it's really no different than having an iPhone 5s, that was released just one year ago, and not being able to enjoy the Pay feature coming up in iOS 8.1 because it lacks an NFC radio.

OS X icons: the epitome of style, class and mind-blowing clarity and detail.

A teaser... for a short-film... uh-huh.

But can you bend it?

Wow!! TigerSharks!! I'll have to try and get a little more obscure.

Someone had to say it but thankfully it's not a big deal that deserves a Newsweek cover with an editorial painting the video game industry as blurring color line society in a world rampant with fear of our first (but hopefully not last) Black POTUS.

Right, because what this world really needs is only one company in the world to dominate maps. So much for Android enthusiasts' theory of choice being king. So long as the choice isn't Apple.

I actually intended on buying this for the PS3 as one of my last games but now that it's getting a little facelift I'll be getting it for the PS4...that is once I actually get a PS4.

Just because you don't like the results doesn't make Kotaku bias toward any particular system. I know you're all butt hurt and all but it's a bit moronic to blame a site for being bias when the system (I assume) you're in love with takes up to 16 minutes to load a game while the other takes less than a minute.

Sorry, but your reasoning sounds more like an excuse and I have little doubt if PC games installed and were playable in 10 seconds you'd be ragging on the PS4 for taking 35 seconds.