
"For a normal consumer, Windows Phone 7.5 will feel polished and fun and shiny and useful and easy to use. It makes sense. At this point, it only needs a killer handset."

Both you and this article are forgetting about another important and new addition to the Apple ecosystem: iCloud.

Funny thing is I was just there a few weeks ago. It didn't occur to me then but the overall landscape of Turner's Station and most of Dundalk was pretty depressing. Only drove through old-town Dundalk but nothing, absolutely NOTHING looked different or upgraded. I even encountered the same bumps and lumps in the road

I could only dream of the success Kevin's had but it's great to see a guy that grew up in my neighborhood and went to the same high school I attended make it this far.

I noticed that too. He looks about the same up until the '07 after he introduced the iPhone. Since then it's been a downhill slump. He looks like he's lost about 30 lbs. since then and even looks older.

Of course Jesus would promote this comment but if he thinks Lion is a cluster*** then I can't wait to hear wait to read a review of Win8.

I'm impressed but price is all that matters to me now. The 5 1/2-year old DualShock is still $50 and that ain't sportin' no 6.2 HD touch screen. If Nintendo prices this wannabe iPad with buttons for more than $75 they'll likely lose whatever fan base they have left and no amount of HD Zelda is going to convince

I watched the video and while I was totally impressed with the "tablet side" it was just disheartening to see that the "real" Windows is alive and well living behind and likely powering the tablet interface. There's no spark or motivation to use the tablet interface if you're constantly going back and forth between

OS X Lion will solve two of the features here with resizing from any edge and full-screen apps, which will be more than just the same app bigger but actually offer different accessibility options when it fills the screen. And with Spaces you'll be able to keep that application full-screen and move to another desktop.

Socks completely blown off then suddenly back on my feet when I saw MS Word and the familiar Start bubble in the bottom left corner along with the Win7 taskbar.

Amen to that. The fact that RIM, Google or HP (owners, not makers, of Web OS) haven't come out to slam Apple and make themselves look better suggests that they likely have similar tracking capabilities in their respective mobile operating systems.

Not sure what other sources you've checked but CNET — a widely respected and well-known tech/gadget site — was kind enough to post an FAQ on the matter. Even went to the trouble of posting screenshots of the iTunes Summary page showing on the data can be encrypted.

Two words: Patriot Act.

Other sites have mentioned it. Other sites have also discounted this as being a legitimate issue since, again, the file is only stored locally not to mention the fact that it's been confirmed that Android phones track information similarly.

Before you start casting dispersions at iOS devices you'd better wait for the response from the other phone manufacturers. So far no one else — HTC, Samsung, Nokia, RIM, etc — have responded. You'd think they'd be quick to reveal that they don't track anything. If they don't respond in the next few days I'd say

Your wish is granted. Connect your iOS device, go to the Summary page and under Options there's a check box for encrypting the back-up file that's only on your local computer.

"Not entirely cool with the idea of your iPhone or iPad following your every move without your consent?"

I've seen some transexuals that will break any conventional wisdoms you might have about what a man looks like when he goes for the full monty surgery. Did you actually browse for pictures of her?

I beg to differ. I'd say it's clear that Microsoft wanted to at least present the idea that the future of gaming and computing in general would be a hands-free future. Ergo, Kinect is the future. "You Are The Controller" is the tagline. Nowhere does it say "You Are The Controller...sometimes".

I saw some other pics of her... and a...um..., are we certain she's, you know, a "she"? Some of the pics look like there could be some history behind those pouty lips, gargantuan thighs and her massive chair destroyer.