
@NothingUnknown: I stand corrected. You're right, Apple did just that...and it worked.

@vinod1978: Yeah, that sucked. And like you said, only the tech geeks will get it with the 1984 reference. Not very wise when you're trying to speak to the unwashed masses.

@TheRevanchist2: Bite your tongue! The original was fun and imaginative; it had heart and true sense of adventure. The new film brings back the pain I felt when George Lucas butt-f***ed the Star Wars franchise. Pretty to look at but with the literary prowess of a 3rd grader with a cast of characters I don't care

I like MacWorld's review the best as it covers the most important thing about any phone or carrier. Living in Phoenix I get good to outstanding coverage with AT&T (especially after moving further east where speeds are near wifi quick). But if I lived in NYC I'd probably be sending death threats to Steve Jobs.

Dear Sucker Punch,

@Defendant: Okay, so I didn't get Austin Powers right but you obviously understood my point.

@CaptainCone: Here! Here! I commend you for that comment. Well thought out, well executed and it did actually change my overall opinion.

@CaptainCone: Get over yourself. This is a season of Brits and Americans — and all cultures and races — sharing. The Office was great but even better in the states. Kevin Costner played Robin Hood. I can't imagine a Yankee playing Dr. House. Bridgett Jones Diary, Tomb Raider, Kick Ass (the lead role played by a Brit),

@delos: Your logic is sound. I went to Taco Bell's site and saw the same ingredients as the article stated. What it didn't cover, however, was that it's only 36% beef.

That's why I usually only get the chicken burrito but next you'll tell me that it's 29% chicken and mostly wood chips and left over parts from Atari Jaguars.

I played ME2 for about 2 hours. Then I sold it.

I'm sure Zuckerburg will be calling soon.

@floobie: Depends on how big of a focal point 3D is? It is called the "3DS" so I'd say that the 3D part of the name is a fairly big focal point.

@floobie: Kind of defeats the purpose and the appeal of many games that will likely use 3D as a gameplay element.

@brt312-: "Not too bright though."

I just hope they keep the concept of his webbing being a part of him rather than having him build web shooters.

@Jnas: Spiderman 3 was horrid. The only good thing about the movie was the Harry Osborn fight and when the credits rolled. Otherwise the story and effects (after the initial fight) were a 3rd grade mess.