
I just rezzed in my pants.

@TheLostVikings: Okay. I understand the whole engineering concept but I must be watching a different video 'cause when he slid those controls down all I saw was the wallpaper go landscape and the error message.

@TheLostVikings: I guess I should feel honored. You going through the trouble and expense of flying the globe and asking every living person in the world what they think about the PSPhone. Hope you didn't drink the water in Haiti.

This looks horrible. Like someone attached a fake PSP control scheme to an Android phone.

@Wolfbullet: I'll try to summarize but basically a guy is playing the Elite 11 demo and at the start of the game (I think during the tip off) Bynum (of the Lakers) got stuck at center court holding his arms straight at his sides and he never moved. You could even see him still standing there during foul shot animation

@wrenchmonkey: You didn't have to do it but I appreciate the clarification on blunt versus rude.

@wrenchmonkey: Going from 3G to dial-up is quite the difference but I see your (angrily professed) point.

@wrenchmonkey: "Just because you have a Ferrari, doesn't mean you have to drive 200+ MPH all the time... "

@Shemhazaix300: If Uncharted's wave of enemies to progress the story makes you cry then stay away from Mass Effect 2. You might slit your wrists.

I still say they get Naughty Dog to use the same mo-cap process they used to make the cutscenes and just make an entire movie out of it using the the same voice talents they used in the game.

@Segador: This is less about Sony (besides that horribly piss poorly designed remote) and more about how Google TV is a massive failure.

Similar to the 1,000 Agent Smiths fight in The Matrix Reloaded, this is all very pretty and interesting but seems like an exercise in futility.

@GreasyPig: I've posed this question to dozens of people and it's normally returned with snide remarks, insults or worse. Obviously your response was much more civil and well conceived (I'd expect nothing less at this point).

@GreasyPig: Bravo! Probably the most profound explanation of art and the critiquing it that I think I've ever read. I'll never forget it and I'm being sincere. Truly masterful dictation.

@Blake Mooney: Beautiful but what's this got to do with GT5?

@ElemenopEE: I have a good mind to take you over my knee.

@ElemenopEE: You must not have kids. If you did you'd be happy that the film isn't overtly violent so you could take your kid(s) to a movie that everyone can enjoy without worrying if they'll become some violent raged induced psycho...like you. Someone that can't enjoy a movie unless there's excessive murder and

@Alex Winton: I didn't say that Kinect was a "horrible, horrible failure" even though I may've eluded that point.