
@magus-21: I was thinking more pop-up books.

Looks like a Japanese take on Donnie Darko.

I like that Sony's being a little bullish with Move. Why not? I'm sure they're confident in the technology but they have to be realistic about sales; they have to have modest expectations. Accessories for any device is a hard sell but that doesn't mean they can't have some fun poking fun at the other guys whether Move

@magus-21: Touche' and I agree wholeheartedly.

@barrywoods: Don't bulls*** me or yourself. No one gave a rat's lower torso about tablets until Apple released the iPad.

Once the tablet market grows beyond just the iPad (which won't be long) one-note devices like the Kindle will look more and more archaic.

@Platypus Man: So basically you're making the same excuses that Amazon is trying to point out in their ad.

Another day, another story about the epic fail that is Kinect.

"...it's clear that Surface controls could easily be outperformed by more familiar interfaces."

@Jerkface: Thanks for sharing. Now all of our eyes have been sexually assaulted.

@erikwoods: Clearly our arguments that suggest you allow a videogame to do something that's not possible reality are falling by the wayside.

Why would anyone want to violate their eyes with this nonsense?

I like it but how do you save the groups you create in the Panorama view? Seems kind of worthless without the ability to save the groups you go through the trouble of creating.

That's actually pretty cool. I still prefer Bing overall anyway but this is a neat little component that will make my limited time with Google that much nicer.

@erikwoods: That's the point, IT'S ALL FAKE!!! In fantasy nothing is supposed to make sense or be relegated to the laws of physics/reality. We suspend reality when we play videogames, not have Bill Nye there to deconstruct wind resistance and kinetic energy physics.

@erikwoods: What the $%* is wrong with you people! You're questioning the validity and science of a friggin' videogame!!! Just enjoy it!

@MrPerson: "In what way is a 70s GI Joe or Star Wars figurine any more imaginative than a tiger on the TV screen?"

@MrPerson: Solid toys that I could grab and throw. Toys that didn't subject me to someone's imagination but my own. Toys that had weight and heft, not grabbing the air and jumping in place. But then most of us grew up spending most of our time outdoors.

If there a worse idea for Kinect I'd say it would have to be this game. Reaching out with your hands to pet an imaginary tiger. How is this fun? I saw another video where the cub is running an obstacle course and the kid was jumping up and down to control the cub's jumps on screen.

Great concept but the idea of sticking something to the back of a beautiful device like the iPad just seems wrong.