
@Gringorilla: Are we to believe that Microsoft has this kind of control where they can totally lock down any early info on Natal? Normally when something is really, really revolutionary it gets "accidentally" released through some viral means.

Is it just me or does anyone find it incredibly odd that we don't have any leaked footage or at least a developers' unofficial opinion about Natal?

@jaygerbomb: I thought the same thing. And what about power? Will they trade out the enormous brick and go with an internal power source?

@PuppetDoctor: Agreed but Sony also reinvented themselves through marketing with the Kevin Butler campaign that's worked wonders for the system notwithstanding the new price point and a more attractive looking black box.

Sometimes you have to be a dick to make things happen and even if it's just lip service at least Sony is attempting to throw down the gauntlet warning publishers not to shovel their failed Wii ideas into Move.

Being a minimalist myself these would make for some fantastic wall art. I could imagine a game room with these posters framed and lining my walls.

Graphics look a little dated for a 4th generation title but looks like fun. Obviously a much bigger emphasis on puzzles than action.

@Realistic_Phylee: Actually, I'm starting to wonder if Sony can even make a comeback. With the recent news that the PSP sales were way down I don't know that Sony can save the PSP.

@Realistic_Phylee: The fact that you recognize that dual sticks would be good for FPS means you understand the need. Now, think about every console game you play and how it makes use of analog sticks then imagine trying to play that same game without them.

Definitely one of the best artists of this generation. Other insanely talented artists are Travis Charest, Alan Davis, Bryan Hitch and Alex Ross.

@Realistic_Phylee: Just the fact that this is probably THE most requested feature/component should be enough to force Sony to put two sticks on the next PSP.

It better be a PSPhone with graphics that are identical and/or better than PS2 graphics, have an accelerometer and dual analog sticks.

Too much slow-motion. Way too much. Nearly every scene used slow-mo and that last kick was stupid on epic proportions.

@barstow: Wow! That was pretty awesome. I bet the acting sucks and the story is probably doo-doo on a stick but scenes like this should make up for it.

@Sloopydrew: Ahhh, not really but I plan on seeing the movie anyway despite the so-so reviews I've read here and other places.

@Sloopydrew: Oh lord, please don't say it was "WORSE" than Spiderman 3. NOTHING could be worse than that!

Great credentials backing the film (and I just bought Ultimatum on Blu-ray the other day) but other than the promo shots of Ken in the rain and Akuma the footage looks like any backyard YouTube production to me.