
This one has a special trick, it can display 4 separate HDMI inputs on the screen at the same time. Other than that, you need to make sure your monitor supports 4:4:4 chroma subsampling, and preferably has an IPS panel.

This one has a special trick, it can display 4 separate HDMI inputs on the screen at the same time. Other than that,

I immediately took Friday off.

Can they get a paddlin' before the firin'?

Taking the word of a bag lady over a hotel guest?

There’s an awful lot of trolls who are rather invested in saying that this dizzy broad is Latina (as if there isn’t any anti-Blackness or large number of Latinos who think they’re white.)


on the other hand, iirc you can upgrade your purchase once you buy a new console (which will come down in price in a year or so) free of charge.
I remember the home computer days, when a game was released on, say, ZX Spectrum, C64, Amstrad CPC, Amiga and Atari ST p.ex.
Of those versions, some were much worse than the

It isn’t ‘kind of victim blaming’. It is just regular old ‘victim blaming’. There is no ‘kind of’ about it.

Uhhh no this isn’t kind of victim blaming it is exactly and literally victim blaming. And it’s shitty. There are many reasons people *end up* in an abusive relationship and none of those reasons are the fault of the person who was abused. She loved someone who wasn’t worth her love. That happens to a whole hell of a

Why should the site cheerlead for Biden?

What happened to Laverne Cox is EXACTLY why I get so nervous when I’m out right now, especially when it comes to people that might lean conservative. Hell, I have a date tonight with someone I met online and my partner(I’m in a polyamorous relationship with two other women) is making contingencies just in case things

Exactement! Parfait avec lait bleu.

Navarro is also not a desert planet, it is a volcanic planet. There are literally lava rivers and tides and seas of volcanic rock all over the place, one of which played a key role in the season finale last year.

They’re totally macarons, which come in many bright colors.

100% they will be on sale at Galaxy’s Edge.

I thought they looked like macarons (maybe blue milk flavored?)

The yellow on the cowling is the giveaway that it’s Anakins (or at a minimum, definitely a reference to Anakins podracer)

I like that, with all these little touches and shout-outs, there’s an implication that technology on Tattooine is never tossed out, but is constantly salvaged, repaired, and recycled.

It’s not a perfect match, as Olyphant has more of an inherently mischievous, bordering on villainous quality to him, but he’s the closest thing this franchise has had to classic Han Solo, and he should really be in all the things.

Fire extinguishers can be used on more than just your engine. They are good to have if you happen to start a grass fire with your car while driving over dry grass. Yes, this happens a lot in our rural area in the dry seasons. In '05, thousands of acres burned due to a New Year's day grass fire. Lots of evacuations.