
because everything is better with butter

Why are you measuring this bike's weight in butter? IS PAULA DEEN FINALLY MAKING HER WAY BACK INTO THE FOLD?

It's actually being made as a dragon battle game by wizkids.

Now playing

Aww man, I was REALLY hoping this article would be talking about this guy:

Since 1975, U.S. law has made it illegal to require purchasers to buy accessories from the original manufacturer to maintain their warranty (with some very limited exceptions). Popularly known as the Magnuson-Moss Act.

Some say, the baby was born with a silver fork in his hand

I mutter "Fuck you" every time a toy requires anything other than 2 AA batteries.

I assume there would be some sort of legal issue if they used the exact line for a genie in their game? Otherwise there's no reason they wouldn't have used the original line. It's not exactly an unknown line from that movie.

Guess they didnt want to get back at it once Disney whines about ''copyrighted material''. It's still a genie , but he's not ressembling the Alladin's Genie.

3 years ago we've seen this exact promise from Adobe with their "blur kernel" and that was it, just talk.

And that's just the most obvious of several easy explanations.

Mine still has a bit of a life left. Very little has wowed me about the current generation. Persona 5 could have done it, but I can get it for my PS3. Evolve is really the only game I'm really excited for that isn't also available on last gen consoles.

I told you man, I'm ruthless. I don't have the time, or usually even inclination, to go and replay games. You get so many coming in on the conveyer belt in this job - especially since I cover PC indie stuff a lot - that I just never get the chance to look back, even if I wanted to.

You mean those eagles who only could show up after that huge freaking eye was gone? The movie explained that just fine. People just didn't pay attention.

So mother's maiden name, city of birth, school name, pet name strikes again? They can thank the accuracy of their wikipedia page for this leak then.

It's more likely than not that you're fine — but I would call the bank to make sure you've had no suspicious activity! I've had two of my cards ripped off and I was credited the money both times, but it's scary and shitty.

well fuck. i just bought a house and i've been to home depot more that i've been at home the last few days