
Terrific article that I just stumbled upon. Any thoughts about updating it?

I would really would love a game with this critique of capitalism to have absurd loot crates via micro transactions that offer no in game advantage or make things potentially worse and harder for players like a pay day loan. 

I think by the end he just wanted out of being a cape. 

DC should just hire him to complete the series that Cavill left. 

It’s his fidget spinner that also happens to kill people. 

I’d like to request a one-way ticket to Thanksgiving 2020.

I’d like to request a one-way ticket to Thanksgiving 2020.


They probably will run parts of it as a feel good ad campaign for supporters. 

It had its moments, but the pacing was not what I was looking for (and I read the book it was based on). Your mileage may vary. I am very, pleasantly surprised by this direction for the upcoming show. I am hoping for the best.

I think they should hire Brandon back before someone hires Shirtless Werwolf Bro to make it a matching set.

I thought this as well, but didn’t James Gunn already cast Adam Warlock. 

Enigmatic, odd, iconic, alien-wise, and a tad sentimental — plus he unironically surfs in space! — Keanu Reeves is the Silver Surfer!!!

There was a certain parallel to our own empire in the city scenes on Hala, which could have been any big city in the USA except with blue people, starships, and shit.

An excellent essay and thanks for reminding me about that whole “Snap” Wilson thing. 

I agree with the author about the version he was reviewing, but I think you’re right in general that games based on films tend to be sloppy knock offs.

Watch the just released gameplay footage of the upcoming Jedi Fallen Order game. It has a stormtrooper saying (I’m paraphrasing) to another trooper as your Jedi nears them: “It’s a good thing we have the high ground.” 


I like competitive episodes, but I realized years ago that my enjoyment of Jeopardy win streaks plateaus after a couple of weeks. I am glad he did well (showcasing a style of play that others may try to emulate) and happy to see a woman dethrone him. Now I can settle back into enjoying this show again.

Logan Paul’in