
Oh no, not a mediocre super hero game averaging 85 on Metacritic.

The amount of current PC games that use 8Gb of RAM is irrelevant. Once these games are developed (which they haven't been) then the subsequent PC ports will be superior.

I'd be crying too. It's basically be the Square Enix swan song.

Very risky move. Backward compatibility is a big thing in today's market.

According to the Ubisoft dev, it was running on a PC.

Looks great.

Looking forward to it.

This isn't a gif. L2Internet.

Fair enough :D

This is the most ridiculous notion I've ever heard. You do disservice to the K.Rool in your avatar.

Things that nerds actually think!

It's not opinion. This is in fact, not her personal blog.


Maybe it's because she reinforces every single negative stereotype about female gamers.

Chill out, ya dingus. Patricia isn't going to have sex with you.

Not your personal blog.

Do your god-damned job Patricia.

I used to have a folder full.

Shut up, Meg.

My dog always used to get really sick on car rides, it was such a hassle.