No, it's pretty shitty. It's artificial difficulty born from a terrible combat system.
No, it's pretty shitty. It's artificial difficulty born from a terrible combat system.
so fahnyy joke.
RIP in peace
This game is going to be so good. I got my backers card through the post the other day too.
How is that hidden in an unexpected way? Waiting is like one of the most common ways to hide easter eggs.
I just had to start again sadly, due to the fact that I realised that my clock was a month back and I didn't want to put it a month forward and deal with all the negative side effects of time travel. I'm going to recreate this asap though. My general rule of thumb is to make a place I'd like to live myself.
I'm not falling for the same trap this time, and buying this on the PS360 because I can't wait.
I have to wonder how Sega feels about this.
Zelda has always been easy (apart from II) your age and nostalgia are clouding your judgement.
We don't get these in the UK, but we eat a ton of pasties from local deli's etc.
Assassin's Creed II was an amazing game, don't paint it with the same broad strokes as CoD.
Yes, you're sheltered.
That's a pretty shitty attitude to take, ESA.
PS4 has The Witcher, and Mirrors Edge 2 has no target consoles yet, meaning it'll likely multiplat.
It's a worldwide release, and Friday is the day games come out in Europe.
If Kotaku hated Double Fine this would be an article by Patricia Hernandez saying "Breaking news, gamers have to PAY for gay marriage!"
The pledges are way too steep. $20 minimum, then $50 and then $100?
Yeah, deliver on your first project before making a new one.
You're trying WAY too hard.
Yeah, Total Biscuit is awful. He's a massive sellout too.