How is the online even going to work? My god hunting some of the hardest bosses with a friend or two would be magical.
How is the online even going to work? My god hunting some of the hardest bosses with a friend or two would be magical.
Announced. Did you read the subtitles?
One was announced. This is going to be coming out before.
You sir, have a great taste in video games.
Normal - Furry
No doubt there'd be some kind of influence there, crazy people get influenced easily by any media.
Even better theme imo.
I love the music, It reminds me of Goemon.
wow what a fag
But meat milkshakes are made commonly...
I don't think it's impossible to make a legitimately scary co-op game, I really hope that someone managed to successfully create one soon.
No co-op horror game has been successfully created yet, sadly.
He's probably too fat to strap it on.
he's a turtle......
Bahamut is awesome.
She's more hardcore than half of you faggots.
Image relevant.
This article is absolutely ridiculous.
Look out, we have a badass over here.
What a completely level headed response by the father.