
Women are just as much of a problem as men are in the continuous misogyny online. Countless times I've seen a woman join and start with "Hey I'm a girl gamer just so you know" and then don't bat an eyelid at the droves of people giving them attention.

I don't mind reading about them on a political website.

Assumptions about men.

I feel like a hamster with all the words you've stored in my mouth.

Going into a room and telling everyone that you think that white men have it too easy is the exact definition of being an asshole.

Don't forget guys, if you're white, straight and male you are basically playing life on easy mode.

As a PC gamer it saddens me. Before I got into DOTA2 I would have defended PC gaming as one of the better communities, but MOBA communities are just toxic.

The PC community is probably the worst. Look at MOBAs.

How is this news? There's going to be misogyny in an environment conducive to men.

Damn, I would have pledged 5k if I'd seen this earlier, I've always wanted to visit E3.

Oh Peter Molyneux.


They didn't do Lee Everett justice. They should have had him have one arm and a Butchers Knife.

And finally my plan for a complete replacement of the entire DKC series has come to fruition.

Artsy garbage.

People? From what I can see I'm the only one replying.

Chiding people for enjoying something that is considered mainststream is very hipster-esque.

"Oh yes, I only watch subs." "What anime do I like? Oh I doubt you've even heard of it." etc.

Your hipster is showing.