Do you want me to post various videos of people beating the warrior without the bee? On the third playthrough, and solo.
Do you want me to post various videos of people beating the warrior without the bee? On the third playthrough, and solo.
The "New events, jumping puzzles, bosses, mini-dungeons, and achievements" won't all be Halloween based, they will be a permanent increase to the size of Tyria.
Is this the point I start linking you to videos of the gunzerker soloing terramorphus without cheating?
Anywhere from 1 to 3 months.
This was a fantastic episode. I honestly can't wait for more. I've never been depressed from a video game, and I love it. I can't remember the last time I was so emotionally tied to a game... Maybe Fahrenheit ages ago.
I fought Kenny on the train because he wasn't listening to sense. You don't exactly have a lot of time. Either way all the choices are subjective, there are no wrong or right choices. Stop implying that everyone who doesn't choose the same as you is wrong or lying.
Which will still be cheating. I guess if you enjoy the lack of challenge then gopher it.
You can play as you want, but it's still cheating and obviously not what the developers intended. The difficulty is balanced around having 46 points, not an infinite amount.
You knew that she was going to be released post launch. You knew the basics of her tree before the game had released (if you had looked it up). You could have waited two or three weeks.
Because the entire point of the game is to have a build of certain skills, and having all 3 trees maxed out is cheating.
As a player of both, I can confirm that the balance is better in DOTA 2.
You can sign up for it or trade TF2 items for it to other people.
X-com is £29.99 on Steam.
You're trying too hard.
Oh lawd.
How many speedrun records does he hold? Non MMO I mean?
It's not unfair, you're supposed to suffer your choices if they end up to bite you on the ass. Something that would actually happen if this situation were real.
Oh Nintendo :(