
And here is where we decide to tell everyone involved with the group chat to use GroupMe for the chat. That way each person can decide if they want to be involved in the conversation..

Yes, yes it is.

And over here we can see the Southern California Trafic Hell. Not as densely packed (or complained about) as the Dallas/Fort Worth Hell, but just as bad.

Also taking into consideration that Arc Attack made it a few rounds into America's Got Talent one season

Add to Brent Spiner:

I'll make an argument for "Bad guys become boring good guys" with Babylon 5. From the begining of the show the Centauri are made out to want to reclaim their replublic by any means necessary. Once the shadows are out in the open the Centauri go from being one of the significant "Bad Guys" to being a ho-hum good guy.

Possibly because the OP never saw Chuck (like I have)

If I'm going to a place where I know, I don't use GPS. If I'm going and needing to get an idea of what potential alternatives there are (or going some place for the first time) you bet I use my smart phone GPS.

Wade Watts of "Ready Player One".

VOTE: Audacity

You do realize that as a student in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Management (or Music)) school you're going to be afforded more and different options than the standard "To Kill a Mockingbird" fare.

Plain and simple there will be 2 kinds of stores, those that tack on the surcharge to support plastic usage, those that don't.

@AcetyleneCrown and @MuggsTheGreat

So, some humor (though somewhat old):

What alternate universe have you been living in, and what is the state of the World Trade Center and Pentagon (Obligatory Fringe Reference)

Or better yet, jettison the entire Unity interface and run back to comfortable/stable Gnome/KDE/Fluxbox.

If we complain loud and long enough they'll get the picture and not implement it.

+1. I've created a couple throw away trolls on io9 and expect to be banned for the minor league trolling I did there.

It's friday, so time to dump some thoughts