Haslam's Heroes

"Actually, analytics refers to a type of bug that lives in your butt."

Reporter: Hey LeBron, can you tell us a little more about the work you had to do to prepare for your role with Trainwreck?

I did not need to see John Cena O-face this early in the morning.

9/11 Truthers Love Pete Carroll

He's a soldier. This is how he was trained to kill. This is how you dehumanize the enemy. These are the leftovers of the man after war.

Yeah okay bro'hemian.

I once had a free t shirt fall in my lap at a Rockets game. Never got into the fandom for a free t shirt, you know why? It was a red t shirt with a Toyota logo and the size was an XL. I used it as a rag the next day when I spilled my diet coke in my car.

I think the most amazing thing as with the course of a single human lifetime, we not just took to the skies for the first time but also traveled to the moon. That's insane to wrap your head around.

Hunters can shoot cyclists, though.

They don't want to make the world a better place - if they did they would have done so by now. how does desecrating a world heritage site do ANYTHING favourable for climate change? and apologizing for moral offense is literally "sorry if your feelings got hurt" which is a fuck you of an apology.

fuck greenpeace, fuck amnesty international, fuck peta, fuck anyone who thinks for a split fucking second they exist on a higher moral ground than anyone else. You don't, and get the fuck over yourself.

At this point they need to at least blank out what was written. The only thing worse than a semi-permenant missing rectangle at the site would be this constant bit of propoganda.

I think some of this can be attributed to outdoor performance. She does well enough until around 1:43.

Still better than a lot of other people have done.

I know you're being sarcastic but I'm fucking ecstatic we have capitalism. a world where people are literally forced to never rise above their station or be ambitious is fucking nightmarish.

Talk about clickbait. I came here looking for a Jets article.

Guess who just won Monday Night Football?

I should have specified I'm a Titans fan.

"Pirates spokesman Brian Warecki said the person in the video was not lost. She was hired as a helper for postseason photographers working the wild-card game.

horses don't give a fuck about you, unlike puppies, they aren't begging for your approval. And this has nothing to do with petting a horse, at all. Addiction involves emotional issues, as well as power-struggles (internally or externally) and communication issues (again, internal or external, notice addicts can't

cause its soccer, not soccim