Haslam's Heroes

George Zimmerman was here

Ya, maybe I missed something.

I agree. This article is perhaps the single most unpatriotic sentiment I have seen thus far in 2014. This author should be shamed and deported.

how about blondie hurdling a downed victim to chase down the cart?!

"I am inventor of this. I am drunk. I am Canadian."

So I assume they are trying to charge him with inciting a riot, but do they have to prove that the couch-burners were inspired by him or just the fact that he held a sign that could incite is enough?

I was with you until the racist Cheerios plug.

Great piece

The man did the crime. The man did the time. Let him play football. If the NFL barred all players with a criminal record, we would not have the spectacle played out in front of us that is football. It's a tough sport played by tough men. This is why Al Gore invented the Television Remote
