
"[t]he questionable decision-making at this program so heavily funded by taxpayers continues to astound me."

I'm still pissed I can't pump my own gas in that god forsaken state.

I love this story! If you are a giant asshole, make sure you stick to private sector jobs. If you are paid in part by public funds, you will likely be found out. Unless you are a politician. Then you just go to hell.

Chris Christie is fat.

What kind of jackass says, “Look, would I have done things differently? Yes; but I’m a maverick."

Every syndrome mentioned here is preferable to SportsGal Syndrome (enjoying fame because someone more famous than you tweets about you). His wife has a twitter account. With more followers than she surely has friends. And live tweets The Bachelor, for chrissakes. Live tweets!

The legions of his fans will now (actually have already begun) descend on this site. The only other topic on the internet that attracts such a number of fanatics is Crossfit.

It's funny to watch him become what he used to bemoan—the guy that keeps his schtick going and never changes. He used to kill Berman and Madden for becoming charactures of themselves. He is doing the exact same stuff but now he is this middle-aged guy trying to act like he is perpetually 30.

I never understand why talking heads give a fuck about where a player wants to play...You hear these clowns talking, acting all surprised that DH have not said he wants to stay with the Lakers...Must be nice to have a job making mucho dinero, bashing on people who can't call you out, because you and your other

Agree. I'm not so sure Simmon's hasn't missed the whole point himself lately. Seems like ESPN is so hungry to try to keep up with the modern changes in sportswriting, that they're throwing a bunch of money at guys who they think can affectively ignore the status quo and bring something unique to their table.

So Simmons decides Jim Carrey isn't a star by pointing to 3 movies that made 185MM+ (Mr. Popper's Penguins, Yes Man, and Fun with Dick and Jane), a low-budget movie that was quite good (I Love You, Phillip Morris), and a genuinely awful film (The Number 23)?

My problem with Simmons isn't even exactly with him, but with the legions of people who preach every word he writes. He says some smart things, some dumb things, and a lot of shit that doesn't relate to his topic. But then there are the god awful 20-30 year old white guys who think everything he says is brilliant.

Nitpicking a-hole alert!

That looks totally shopped yo. I can tell cause of the pixels.

will smith looking like the 1980's with hat off to the side, grow up dude..also, supporting the lowly 76ers with the hat off to the side makes it even worse

Sean has jumped the shark with this posting. Yes, jumped the shark.

Sager does look decidedly jiggy.

Craig Sager is probably in his mid-60s and has been traveling all around the country and falls asleep in a chair in a hotel lobby. Big deal. Some kids take a photo and then Deadspin publishes it just to humiliate the guy.

Mine looks the same way. It got slammed in a car door where the lock is when I was 6

Ewww... I wouldn't like that thing touching my shoulder if I were wearing a singlet.