
1970 Chrysler Town & Country Wagon. It has more sheet metal than an aircraft carrier, weighs more than an M1 Abrams (and gets roughly the same mileage), and can carry an entire high school class.

Right, because F1 racing is EXACTLY LIKE illegal street racing.

Oddly enough, I think this disproves Darwinism; natural selection would have dictated that ALL these fukstiks get taken out by the driver, who then would drive off a cliff and die in the ensuing fireball.

Or not.

If I didn’t know better I’d have guessed it was another Chinese mash-up design.

Look, the whole program is just a money-maker for Lockheed. They could literally strap an engine to a pile of doghsit and the Pentagon would buy 1000 of them, with a 40 year maintenance contract. Whether it works or not is beside the point.

Just looking at all the doors, flaps and other control surfaces this thing needs to get in the air tells me that it’s going to be a maintenance nightmare once it finally gets to the fleet. Of course, that’s by design if you’re Lockheed.

I’ve lived in DC most of my life, and I can tell you that unless you’re in a backup (which happens most of the time), the default speed on the beltway is closer to 70MPH. Anyone who observes 55 in normal traffic runs the risk of getting run over.

That’s I-80; I-70 runs through Kansas (and that’s just as boring).

Gotta include The Boot

VIR, Full Course.



Give me a Pilatus Porter or a Dehavilland Twotter, sure.

Keep ramming that winch into the bank; I’m sure it’ll work eventually.


Don’t care for the wheels, but the body and interior seem to be in decent shape and the engine can be rebuilt or replaced fairly easily. NP

I’d dare say all of this is a better investment than an unneeded fighter plane that is ten years and $170 billion (and counting) over budget.

My first car. Taught me all I never wanted to know about carbs and positive ground, but a fantastic car otherwise.

The NA’s fat-ass sister.