
Damned if I know, but let's hope he's not working on "H"

Beech had a delivery facility at Leesburg (VA) airport back in the early 90s, and I'd see these out on the flight line when I was first getting my license.

If the body is as rust-free as it appears (which is extremely rare for this vintage), HELL YES.

old school A/C

Dammit, I missed this question. Here's a pretty cool one - the Washington Coliseum, where the Beatles played their first US concert, is now a parking garage:

If he can sell more cars and retain the price point, brilliant.

Worst SLK ever

I hear Danny Behar is looking for a job...

Unloved? The M5, particularly with the S38B38 motor, is revered in BMW circles.

Let's see - buy the F35 and have to retrain and retool the entire RCAF, or go with the E/F Hornet. Seems like a no-brainer, unless Lockheed ships each F35 with a shitload of money in it.


Not all that surprised, as the original (NA) Miata was intentionally derivative.

It's all over, really

A lot of people are seeing the Jag F-Type in the front end. Is this intentional?

Yeah, that's not too obvious.

Nice try, junior.

The Citroen DS reassembled in Kent Dorfman's room (Real Genius)

"...Kanye West...immensely talented..."