Yeah.....Columbus, Ohio is one of the first cities that pop into people’s minds when they think about the sun belt.
Yeah.....Columbus, Ohio is one of the first cities that pop into people’s minds when they think about the sun belt.
The Tampa Bay Lightning would like a word.
Hot take: Sun belt hockey has overall been a good thing (it does not warm my cold Minnesota heart to admit this.) The Coyotes and Panthers have been failures, but they’re also comically mismanaged franchises. But the Preds, Canes, and Stars (ugh) have managed to do fairly well locally (maybe not the Canes as much.)
And still people with little to NO UNDERSTANDING on what something like that takes to accomplish on the back end clamoring for it regardless like it’s fucken owed to them.
“But it’s a *dry* indifference”
How many flat screens, video game consoles, and car payments would make up for healthcare? Because a lot of people I see complaining about healthcare costs have plenty of those luxuries.
Typical liberal author in an echochamber missing out on 30% of the news information out there.
Only been a year since he’s lost his virginity, and the man’s already eatin ass. He’s a quick learner
“Small population”
I’m proud of you my Faux Bravo.
I like when people say things like “as an adult with a job.” What does that mean exactly? What are you implying?
I have a full-time and a part-time job. Sometimes the part-time job grows into full-time work for a week or two at a time. I do a myriad of other things, as well. Yet I still find time to play games,…
I can’t wait for Nintendo to just become a publisher.
Here’s you:
Gee golly, I wonder who will get cut more? The folks that went to school to pursue a professional career in broadcast journalism, or the former athletes that barely manage to put together two consecutive coherent thoughts?
Please let it be Dick Vitale.........Please let it be Dick Vitale.
Can they go back to showing Strongman competitions over night again? And other weirdo sports. Those were the best days of ESPN.
they should have been content to simply be a television network.
That is all that was muted. This is an intentionally very misleading article.
I’m confused—based on the two clips, it sounds like the only thing that muted was “Fuck ’em”, which I mean of course that was muted.
Also it’s weird that no one is posting her follow up comment in that same interview. Literally as part of her very next question when she agrees with Tavi that it’s ultimately not against feminism.