
Yeah I always thought it was Zak from some random goofball video.

I would just like to say that your attempt to compare a rich white fan/owner shoving a player, who had zero interaction with him or his family, because he felt entitled to do so, to a well known black GM being stopped by a cop, supposedly because his visible credentials weren’t visible enough, and then allegedly being

In his defense, the officer was probably just on edge from being surrounded by so many giant, successful, black men.

Oscar Pistorius competed in the Olympics. And that guy has NO calves. 

It’s still intimidating no one. 

Accurate. America is full of entitled cowards who are angry at how their lives have turned out who spend much of their lives in time and money trying to convince everyone—including themselves—that neither is true.

Call yourselves a bunch of SUV buying fools. We got us a 2017 Pacifica in the driveway. Stow-n-Go FTMFW.

I feel like we need to talk more about how the NYPD has a bee unit.  (I’m not criticizing them for it; I just find it very interesting.)

This is about more than just Cadillac dumping down some horsepower numbers and covering it up with a rotten-band-aid-of-an-explanation.- This is about Cadillac being unable to make up it’s mind- they spend ten years building up a badge to mean something, and then strip away all meaning the following year as the wind

Vespa: Tainted Love.

Every one of his tattoos looks like he got paid on Friday, went out drinking that night, then tossed his last two crumpled twenties on the counter of the dirtiest shop in town and asked “What’ll this get me?”

Mark Chmura was asked to participate but he’s busy with prom season.

Everyone welcome Tony Romo to Deadspin!

Zach Smith looks like a guy who tells his friends, “I know they have to act like that, but that stripper was definitely into me.”

She will have kids, hire a full time nanny, and then proclaim how easy it is to be a mom. She’ll also make light of any mom who suffered from postpartum or is too poor to afford a nanny.

Nope. Kids are loud and wild and do not do what you ask them.

I won’t fly with my kid when I have one. Not until they’re old enough to handle it. Sorry.

Because it’s so easy to “get them away from people” in a crowded airport.

yeah, no, you’re wrong. If you think the parent of that kid doesn’t know what a terror the child is being, then your head is crammed so far up your ass you can floss with your chest hair. 

The Post seems to spend a lot of time trying to humanize these horrible people. You can’t have your banner be Democracy Dies in Darkness while trying to stoke compassion for those responsible for its death.