The Voice of Harold Montgomery

What the Department of Justice does, and what it could do, are two different things. Maybe a bank wouldn’t refer the matter if the money was paid back - but it isn’t up to the bank. If a bank continued to hold a fraudulent loan, it may expose the individuals at the bank to their own §1344 charges. 

The short summary - it’s any material lie. It includes identity fraud, misrepresenting assets/debts/income, but it also includes misrepresenting the purpose of the loan. The lie has to be material, where it would influence granting the loan or the terms of the loan and it does not require a loss by the bank, repayment

So by merely using loaned money for a different purpose, what exact law would be broken that would result in a punishment comparable to murder?”

GM actually does get off that easily.

Loans aren’t fungible. A car loan has an asset tied to it, one the creditor can take possession of should you default. A personal line of credit, the kind you would need to take out to invest in an index fund is a whole different thing. Personal lines of credit are unsecured and have much higher interest rates. While

It’s a real prince of a car.

Do not ever give out your personal email address at work. Never use a personal email for work, or a work email for personal use. Why? Using a personal email for work creates employer liability around discovery and things like FLSA timekeeping violations if you’re not an exempt employee. Using a work email for personal

There are a couple of other issues with smaller process chips that could make them unsuitable for automotive environments.

I’m not going to pretend that I know all that much about high voltage batteries; but in cases where a fault could lead to a fire, then you probably need earlier detection on that fault.

This is really less a story about being able to get a bricked EV into neutral; and more a story about EVs, or any car for that matter, having a limp-home mode.

5th gear is misleading. A very quick search turned up CVE-2021-22156, which details that the vulnerability exists in QNX SDP 6.5.0SP1 and earlier, QNX OS for Safety version 1.0.1 and earlier, and QNX OS for Medical version 1.1 and earlier.

From the article:Dealers are not expected to have to floorplan the vehicles before they’re finished, one person said.” To floorplan the vehicle at a dealership means the dealership carries it as inventory.

There already exists a set of standards for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. The SAE J2945 standard set defines the protocol and implementation standards around DSRC, Dedicated Short Range Communication. It’s built on top of IEEE 802.11p as the carrier, using a dedicated slice of

It’s about to set sail, it could seat 20. It has to be the 24' Chrysler Marine Cruiseliner III:

You’d be surprised, I think. Sure, ‘Plaid’ is a cute reference to a middling-funny 34 year old movie; but you want customers to make a $130,000 purchase, they’re going to start to wonder about the care and attention that was put into the details when the trim name is this goofy, stale joke.

These are cutesy references, but I wonder how many purchasers they alienate with these outdated references to marginally funny movies that are pretty much played out as touchpoints. I’ve thought the same thing with their naming strategy. The Model 3 was originally going to be the Model E before Ford asserted a

Read the introductory paragraph, insta-no dice; like every other car whose value is tied up in extremely low mileage.

None of them.