The Voice of Harold Montgomery

Memory recall seats. If you have more drivers than cars in your house, being able to get your seat position back without a lot of fussing is a huge deal. I didn’t really notice how nice this feature was until I went from a car that had it to one that didn’t.

I’m wondering if the amber lamps in the grill, and those high mounted amber lamps in the back are dedicated flashers.

There’s actually a couple of reasons behind electric park brakes.

It has nothing to do with the door, buoyancy, hypothermia; but only one simple fact:

Perhaps something like SAE’s J3161 C-V2X Standard or IEEE’s 802.11p standard for WLAN-based V2X?

You’re driving down an interstate at night, with a Styrofoam cooler in the back. You hit a bump, the cooler starts squeaking, and you’re miles from the next exit.

Once again, I need to point out that the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) is regulatory:

5th gear: If Apple was smart, they wouldn’t make cars, they’d partner with an existing company to make the user experience, providing the center stack, IP, and hardpoint interfaces. As Tesla is finding out, actually making cars isn’t easy; and as Ford found out with Sync, modern UX isn’t easy either.

Not really. Brake pads are consumables; but NVM design should, in theory, last the life of the vehicle. See AEC-Q100-005 for the standard test. Target endurance is something like 50 years for storage (e.g. new old stock) and reasonable driving life of the vehicle (minimum 10 years/250k miles).

The pictures in the ad may be all of the same car, but they’re not all from the same timeframe. The inconsistency in the seats and the inspection stickers in the images are a warning flag that something hinky is going on with this car.

It’s an older car.  Sometimes it takes a little more time; but I’m sure it’s never happened to this BMW before.

Officially, it’s “Toilet, rear cleansing spray”; and it is used “On toilet equipment: To identify the control to clean the anus with a spray of warm or cold water from the nozzle after defecation”

Ask the International Organization for Standards; because that’s the ISO symbol for “Windscreen washer and wiper” (ISO-7000-0087).

For what it’s worth, this:

Does the asker’s half highway, half back roads change this? I just arbitrarily picked a Volt; but I think my more general suggestion stands - he needs some kind of plug-in hybrid.

With a 120 mile daily commute, you know what would be fun to drive? A vehicle you don’t have to stop to fuel up three times a week. Here’s a 2017 Chevy Volt with 27000 miles for $15k.

Second gear:

It looks like a comfortable place to spend 115 Leagues on the Highway.

My pappy said “Son, you’re gonna drive me to drinkin’ if you don’t stop driving that big ass Lincoln

It’s not the most clear of sentence constructions; and could use both the positive case and a period: