The Voice of Harold Montgomery

There are about 7 working hours in a shift. Three shifts running seven days gives you 147 hours of up time a week.

Jiminy! If only they had an insect friend from the Gryllidae family to at as their conscience.

I’m going out on a limb here, but I think most of the winter Olympians are busy at the moment.

Didn’t President Bill Clinton sign an omnibus crime bill which included the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act?

For the same reason a Supreme Court seat was vacant for almost an entire year, dispite President Obama advancing a nominee.

If you are old enough to remember; Pat Buchanan (and David Duke) primaried the incumbent George H.W. Bush in 1992, mostly over Bush breaking his “Read my lips” promise. And Bush was a popular president with several significant world events that made the country look pretty good. (Gulf War 1, fall of the Berlin Wall,

The state? No. However; MSU’s board of trustees are elected, two at a time, serving eight year terms. This aasshole stands for reelection in 2020.

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The only problem if you bought this? Your old would be hitting the sauce.

Nice price, but only if they include the pillows.

Tesla is the only one that needs a “network of charging stations”. Every other PHEV and BEV uses an SAE standard plug; so drivers can use whatever charging station is installed at their destination, including free charging that some employers and businesses are installing.

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Maybe she just wanted to give the paint job “just a little touch-up”

General Motors corporate ownership is complicated.

Yoda doesn’t use force lightening because it’s a Sith Lord thing, so none of the good Jedi use it.

Not my Driver’s Ed story, but I did see this yesterday:

Also because the operators of seal team 6 mutilated his corpse.

Crown Vic in taxi livery.

Mid 90s Ford Ranger, in seafoam green.

Pictured: coach with most losses in franchise history.

Hamtramck and Poletown are two different plants. Hamtramck is a separate city from Detroit, where the Poletown neighborhood was condemned using eminent domain to build a new plant.