Not really.
Not really.
This actually may not be a terrible idea. The US has the third highest marginal corporate tax rate in the world (38.92%); only behind the UAE (55%) and Puerto Rico (39%). This is why multi-national companies headquartered in the US don’t repatriate profits earned outside the US; and why US companies are inverting —…
Pope, exciting and new
He didn’t describe Georgia’s 5th congressional district accurately at all. Politifact rated the claim as “mostly false”.
Senator Cory Booker is not a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Representative John Lewis is neither a senator nor a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
She does.... that.... about as well as Drew “dances”.
The 5 MPH limit is set because parts on it don’t have PSW; CP vehicles are built with prototype parts which lack Program Status Warrants, meaning they haven’t completed testing and certification.
It could happen, and it wouldn’t be that hard to do.
I’ve read the NHTSA report.
Even though he cut down the tree; he’s still providing the shade.
I was thinking I was forgetting something in this discussion; and I did.
Rep. Debbie Dingell had warned the campaign they were in trouble in Michigan as far back as the primary.
I’m not going to say you’re wrong; that V2x security needs to do more than verify the packets, but what else do you think it needs to do?
Well, the implication I took from your statement was that V2x security needs to do something other than prevent MitM spoofing attacks; it’s not designed to do anything else.
Actually, that’s not what the signing does at all. The V2x system is designed to provide pseudoanonymity; the vehicle will periodically get a block of keypairs from the certificate authority, which are used to sign the message digests.
While I’m not from NHTSA, I do know a few things about V2x; so here’s a few answers.
So what’s Trump’s plan for the F-35 $LMT? It’s not entirely clear, either from his tweet or from the standpoint of strategic planning. that his handlers had short positions.
She would be in a league of her own....
I voted nice price. I’d take the set for $29k, drive them Sunday-go-to-meeting style; and when his wife is better, sell them back to him.