The Voice of Harold Montgomery

A couple of quick, disorganized comments.

It’s from the musical Chess, about a grandmaster chess match (competition? duel? meet?) set in the cold war. The music and lyrics were written by the two dudes from ABBA.

He seems awfully high strung.

Dear Football,

About 30% of Tesla’s float is held in short positions; compared to GM’s 2.75%, so maybe the market isn’t that out of whack.

Ron Paul; not Rand. When the rule was adopted, the RNC insiders were concerned about an iconoclast outsider distracting from Mitt Romney’s nomination. Mitt had enough pledged delegates to win on the first ballot; but by adapting rule 40(b); Ron Paul’s pledged delegates wouldn’t be given a voice.

I don’t know... I think this is the ultimate Caesar hair.

Now playing

Teddy Bear Tosses are awesome. Here’s the video of the 2015 Calgary Hitmen Teddy Bear Toss goal - which collected 28,815 stuffed animals which were donated to 50 local agencies. This brought the Hitmen total to over 300,000 toys collected.

Who knew that every porch-couch in East Lansing had such high midichlorian counts?

The same thing you do with any other cybernetic organism.

I wonder if the mothers in Pleasant Valley are going to complain about how hard life is tomorrow.

The auto loan default rate is not remotely like the housing loan bubble.

If the IP is in Arabic, I’m thinking that this was originally sold in a GCC and gray market imported into the US.

Must be a slow day. That’s two straight articles about Chips.

Oh, you skipped a step. A month after they fired/hired the coaches, they traded their #1 goaltender, Alex Nedeljkovic, and their top d-man, Josh Wesley, for a lower-skilled goaltender and a handful of draft picks.

His saying he expects them to do their jobs is just like me telling the Little Voiceette that I expect her to do her homework.

He just wanted to finish the poker game.