The Voice of Harold Montgomery

So a/k/a is right out?

Depends on what the dealer is showing; but in blackjack I'd be inclined to split the sixes.

[T]here are small parts of America, at least, where muskrat shows up on restaurant menus.

It's less than $500 per cam shaft. NP!

It starts with Simmons complaining about, of all things, not having a sponsored studio to record his podcast.

The twist ending? Jennifer develops paraphilia and marries the whiteboard.

I'm currently fascinated with our military's development of heads-up displays, which are getting more and more sci-fi as we speak. F-35 pilots will get the ability to see through their planes, if I'm understanding this great article on FoxtrotAlpha. I can't wait to see this kind of tech on cars.

10.) Check Engine Light

Yes it did. The original hangers are still in use as test car garage space and environmental chambers.

I'll see your Ford Trimotor, and raise you an airport.

It doesn't work with clumping litter. You have to get clay-type litter.

The Controller Area Network, a/k/a CAN. Without a robust network protocol with an inexpensive physical layer; most modern vehicle functions would have been impossible to implement.

NP, assuming the sedan is road worthy and can be titled. $4k for the wagon was a CP, but with the other car, it falls under the $2k automatic nice price floor.

What else explains the continuing popularity of Penn State?

Am I the only one who hate watches Whale Wars and roots for the ICR?

Here's the dirty little secret about test tracks.

You are correct, and I am incorrect.

Radar needs a fairly rigid mounting point, or road vibration will cause uncertainty about the return. The F150's forward radar is mounted behind the front bumper, with the sensor looking through one of the bumper caps.

Here's the close-up of the lamp.