The Voice of Harold Montgomery

The extended drought in the West has caused a huge boom in the Mountain Pine Beetle.

How do you power the car seat? How do you create the digital interface? How do you manage the pairing? How do you force the pairing, so it's an opt out and not an opt in? And, considering car seats are ~$150 already, how much of a cost add would this be?

Besides the weather issue, running August to May puts the start of MLS right up against the penant races, the first half of the season against football, and the second half against NBA and NHL postseasons.

A properly installed car seat is absolutely cranked down using the LATCH or seat belts that any sort of weight sensor would not work. Any sort of system would have to depend on visual or thermal sensors.

Was he fired for whizzing in his own mouth, or for not being able to follow the simple instructional poster mounted just above the urinal?

That's not a stupid question. Stupid questions about Ramadan include "What if you're in space?" and "What if you're above the arctic circle, and the sun doesn't set?"

Merriam-Webster's pronunciation has it as BREW-em or BRO-em

I wouldn't bet on it.

This comes up in The Wall Street Journal today and they ask the important question: Dealers get them, why not everyone else?

That paycheck would buy 9,500 items at the Rosa Parks Dollar Store!

Here's a picture of a pizzle that Google found for me. Obviously, that's not from the store in question; but....

What? Is that dudebro flipping the bird? Extending a middle finger? Making an obscene gesture?

The OEMs get parts on standard 90 day terms from the supplier. In other words, suppliers ship with the expectation that the OEM pays them later. If an OEM were to just disappear, the suppliers are not secured creditors and would get diddly and/or squat on their accounts.

And believe it or not, Ford still sticks combination locks on the side of their vehicles. Here the keypad is just noticeable on the door's vertical pillar.

Here's kinda the thing. Everybody seems to think that all hardware/software development needs to focus around apps and phones.

Here's a couple of other challenges that they can't overcome.

Mythbusters proved that you can polish a turd; but at the end of the day, that just leaves you with shiny poop.

The next thing I'd look at is aerodynamics. NASCAR cars have a spoiler on them, which are like the opposite of an airplane wing. An airplane flies because, as it moves forward and wind rushes over the wings, the wings throw air down. By throwing air down they generate lift that keeps the airplane in the air. Car

Per the ad, the odo is 45000.

A couple of technical notes on DRLs.