The Voice of Harold Montgomery

I'll get this one.

It's not some grand conspiracy on the part of automakers to drive traffic to their service departments; it's mandated by CARB. That's why a loose fuel cap turns on the MIL; which in practice, has absolutely nothing to do with engine performance.

The Ford Expedition Funk Master Flex Edition. Which was launched about the same time as the Ford Flex; so we're either lucky or cursed that we didn't get a Ford Flex Funkmaster Flex, a Funkmaster Flex Ford Flex, a Ford Funkmaster Flex Flex, or.....

6th gear: Instead of the Selected of God, will GM be using Russ Morgan?

Press, the voice button, ask for services, then ask for traffic.

The picture at the top of the article is a SMART bus, not a DDOT bus. SMART is the Detroit-suburbs transit authority; DDOT is the intracity transit authority.

Any manufacturer's proving grounds.

His top speed was probably 25 mph, max.