Haris B
Now playing

Totalbiscuit provided a very informed and grounded opinion on this matter snd this video is definetely worthy of your attention, dear commentators.

However, will a respectable sum of money not be spent for countering the legal action by stoic studios ?Won't the developers be forced to use some of their limited resources to a legal battle that, either way, will benefit the applicant?Won't it compromise a the economic stability of a very small indie studio?


Okay this is absolutely horrific, or may i say, shit-rrific.

How about a system that offers native backwards compatibility up to 20 years back, and is able to emulate ANY console's library up to the wii?


Firstly, my personal wish is for Iwata to not step down.He actually is a credible executive and his failing would signify a failure of the nintendo ethos and quite possibly of the japanese managing tradition.His stance against lay offs, and his apparent vigor are essential for Nintendo.Not to mention that he

...and watch it's investors flail and abandon the company while , because no reformations have taken place, its capital is being depleted."

Although i do believe this scenario is the most likely, perfectly reflecting the pattern established by GC, this situation is basically unwinable for nintendo.Upon carefull

The cake was delicious.

Lian li pls.

I nominate docseuss


Cheers mate!

I don't mean to hate, but the rewind videos just seem like a huge, overblown circlejerking of the youtube partners.

No worries,mate, but I highly recommend trying, it's an easy and very interesting process

Mind you, neither of these processors are optimized for the z77 architecture, so I would have to shell out extra cash for a z87 based motherboard.

I think newegg offers free shipping on almost every part mentioned.