500w 8o gold plus PSU included in the case =)
500w 8o gold plus PSU included in the case =)
Although some people may argue with your remarks, i think you are a fine gentleman.
I have a DreamSpark subscription.
Do bother to scroll down in order to read the latter comments.Thank you.
Yeah, a bit of bad calculations there,pardon me.Still WigamPFarnsworthIII demonstrates my point exactly.Note that i live in Greece where the electronics market is plagued by monopolies and overpricing.Also, importing parts, even from the EU was too expensive, not to mention that amazon does NOT sell any electronics…
For the record:
Evga Haddon air mini ITX build w/ i5 3570k and GTX 760.
Are you completely out of your mind?My pc knowledge is slightly above average and I easily managed to build a great pc for 845 euros.That is way below 1k $, not to mention that every single part I bought can be found cheaper in the US.
The only reason the mainstream is kept away from consoles is to avoid the minimal…
I vehemently disagree.Controls were purposely rough and not that responsive, adding a sense of weight and depth.
There is one solution for those who want to use Kinect quietly. As with the Xbox 360 Kinect, you can interact with the Xbox One Kinect using gesture control. Unfortunately, the Kinect's gesture functionality is inconsistent at best. The camera is sluggish to respond and the gestures required to move from screen to…
Yeah, that anime was really good and left a lasting impression on me. I actually think it is kind of a underrated, hidden gem of the anime industry.
Well,yes.CoD:Ghosts is not a particurally taxing game, visuals wise, and I think the whole resolution deal is Infinity ward being lazy dumb asses.Forza is a driving sim game, agenre that traditionally has a limited set of data to render, and it is entirely logical that it shall be projected in full HD res.But, in my…
Glad to hear so.
Actually Forza is the only 1080p tittle in the system.
Ryse is 900p
Ιt will be such a dream, downloading 40 gb games with my 8 mbps connection.Some lovely 40 hour downloads will do just the trick.
An android set top box osts the FARTHEST 100 $