That is depressing....
My DSU was pretty awesome.
Nope the cpu sucks balls,although there actually ARE 8 physical cores.
The Gpu actually sits pretty comfortably between the higher-end amd graphics processors.
Which is actually a true fact, considering that the new xbox will withhold about 2GB's of RAM for the OS.Also, bear in mind that the ps4 will most likely feature wider bottlenecks than most high end PC's today (because GDDR5), and sony has taken every single step to have an unified pool of memory (ergo…
Could someone tell me when the xbox reveal will be in GMT ?
The devil is a part timer was too much like gintama for me to handle.
I love that ridiculous power metal theme.Exhilarating.
Please tell me there will be a japanese va /english subtitles option.
150 more than the 3DS?
I will pass.
This is officially my most favorite thing ever
Spny is already spamming the shit put of their "what's new" board
I do not advocate piracy- but the gbatemp emulator for the dstwo flashcard has just been updated, offering better conpatibility and smoother gameplay.I think it is pretty cool- i am already blasting megaman at 60 fps on my 3ds xl.
Hey man, I am building a pc in a month or two, i will be able to spend something around your budget. Could you tell me your setup.Please?
Ea got kicked out of the NASDAQ and these guys do not seem like going anywhere.
Wait, so, this is NOT a commercial?
i guess you are right.