Haris B


Dude, we are talking about 70 hours + of intense photoshopping.And a million wide fanbase.It is not serious stuff,it's just that we are used to better content from ego.

I think the end resembled psychicpebbles a little too much.

Watch the first one.This does not represent egoraptor's level of quality.

I find it sufficiently non sensical. (Y)

Yeah king of fighters was so FUCKING cool.Doesn't Ni No Kuni have a similar art style?

Yeah i think that castlevania: symphony of the night and its ds counterparts have extremely good sprite art and excellent, fluid animations. However delivering content of this quality is very hard -and rather costly- so i shall excuse the developers due to their limited resources. Pier solar has good sprite

Don't forget that (insert random negative characterization here) brony cartoons he did with that smug bitch, hitdiggetydemon.It must have been really time -consuming.

Well, you are right, he used to update his channel every month or two.Guess we will have to wait to see how the zelda sequelitis will turn out.

I am pretty sure that he does work freelance as a graphic designer and/or a voice actor( he said he has done some voices in marvel vs capcom,i think...?)I do not really know nor i should judge him, but Arin must be working somewhere, and, either way, he puts a lot of polish in what he does.Shouldn't we be more

At least he tried.

This.THIS.See, the major problem with nintendo is that while their target audience is more or less kids (not exclusively,though) , they do noy realize that the money holder are the parents who call the shots.A parent who dismisses a pricey piece of electronics as a toy will not google the device . He/she will not

I didn't see nook until i was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but tiring!

I have not- I HAVE NOT - EVER AGAIN felt the exhilaration and ass-kickery of wielding a double barrel shotgun in BLACK.Man, that game was excellent.

Oh my fucking god, this will be so motherlicking good

Let the hate games begin.

Whoa, they had some graphic artists working overtime,didn't they.This looks rad.

Still the main point is:Bring on the colourfulness,make the site more playfull and distinct!

Just could you please employ the pink color for the upper kotaku header.