
This update should be free mobileme.

My Scotty, Callie

@dangerp: No, Im saying couldnt register for either.

I made it, registered normally, and still couldnt get the page to load.

Maybe more old white people own phones (like my parents) that hardly ever use them and the older generations of other races simply dont have a phone to pull the statistic down?

And I thought a $1000 car payment was difficult to keep up with

So what youre saying is that I should just go ahead and buy those Monster Beats? - 10 4

I feel like those who voted Apple are more likely to actually purchase said tablet compared to those who voted Android.. unless there is a major price difference

@HardwareWars: I wish you could edit pictures when you edit a comment

This is why you dont share the supply with the hired gun

Ummmmmm wifi only please.

The real magic mouse.

And Im in the market for a mid-high end keyboard too. Niiice.

2011, thanks

What really happened is Snuggies took over

If only I watched True Blood..

Wow I thought I was the only one. Ikea had these on sale for $19.99 a few months back and I snagged 2 and did just this. Ahh, the feeling of victory.