#fanboy (me too)
but how messed up is the track after this?!
In other breaking news!!! Private sale handgun owners will now be held responsible if the buyer injures themselves of others!
Get a grip America, I can't take much more of this downward spiral.
Trulia (app > online)
Del Slow
deal: vices > nutrition
Since the Ford Focus ST and Mazda MazdaSpeed3 are both economical, they are my picks for most insane economy cars ever built.
fins up
touche all day.
I've pumped my own in NJ and I was shocked to be doing it! There are some self-serve hold outs.. like big chains. This was at a Wawa.
haha well, I didn't want to fully blow my cover as a post graduate rager and functioning alcoholic. Glad to have good company.
I'll be at that fire sale for sure. Need me a gov't issued Tahoe.
My girlfriend and her friends are all going to OC, MD this weekend (lord help us) and I have emailed this to each of them so they keep an eye out.
for what it's worth.. if he didn't have the pull-behind he might have made it #nismo