

Well I wouldn't call it a matter of taste so much as a point of fact. Expletives denote a limited vocabulary. Good luck finishing up your GED. What's next for Elrond Hubbard? Community College? Keep setting the world on fire, big guy.

Alright, Mr Musician. Well I compose works for Orchestra and I 100% ASSURE you that this is not even CLOSE to the same arrangement. Perhaps you don't know what "arrangement" means. I'm guessing you are a drummer?

You guys are blowing my mind right now. They did not nail, destroy or even come CLOSE to sounding anything like the arrangement from Bioshock. It is a complete and utter disaster. You can't just do barbershop on a whim, it requires a lot of skill and dedication. Wow just wow that peoples ears work this way. No wonder

You're kidding right?

The 12 Games For Playstation 4

Only plus side. Nobody will keya Kia

No. It's a natural right. It is NOT merely a privilege.

We both know were just talking about black folks...

Boring episode was boring

Early adopter here. This is easily my favorite game.

There will never be enough seats. BYE WHITE PEOPLE! HAVE FUN UP THERE!

Been to hell and back. Now it was ALL worth it.

Paz clone.

Super Bros was awesome don't get me wrong but THIS time I want a more traditional game from them. So sue me,

Yeah I've been following this one from the start. It's goddamn fantastic.

I just felt that kind of statement demeans the hard work and artistry put into this game. I've watched it develop from the very beginning...

This isn't even a passing resemblance to Metal Slug...

I want a game this time not another "interactive experience"

Not to mention nobody but your grandma has a PC that couldn't run this game.