ZOMG hipsters don't even try to deny it anymore.
ZOMG hipsters don't even try to deny it anymore.
That CGI looks not good.
Well looks like I'm getting Sony's superior version.
Great game as was the original but let's be real. There is nothing metroidish about this game besides the fact that you can double jump.
Ahoy dar, pirates on the horizon!
There are some pretty questionable design choices mostly concerning the menu system but this game is one of those I will be playing til I'm 80. Instant Classic.
How Kurt Russell became Kiefer Sutherland
Twitch games don't do too well on the internet.
Would you feel bad if they weren't gay? Probably not... Buck up
The baby daddy did it. He killed the mother of his child because he was humiliated by her leaving him for a woman. DUN DUN
Such tiny heads.. The lot of em.
Yeah dude...wait what?
Indie games don't have enough neon pink and blue color schemes. Let's have a few more. /:I
Towerfall needs to be on this list ASAP.
I bought this. Fun but brief. GaiAttack was disappointing. The rest were decent to good.
That's one of the worst humble bundles to date.
It reminds me of Sim Copter.
If you say soo.....
Orcs Must Die 1 and 2.
There are numerous studies saying that sitting too close to the tv has no adverse effects on your vision.