HOT DAMN that tessellation looks sexy.
Looks fun. I think they could have swung some animations though.
Should be "weisis". When I read "waisis", it sounds like a southern dandy with a speech impediment.
more please
Booo boooooo
What makes you think QT wouldn't be into a fan made videogame?
This seems appropriate.
I'm one of those people who can't stand Halo.
There are still way too many games where you kill somebody and they snap into their "death animation". I want to see reaction to every possible kill. Also, on hard settings, rather than make enemies take more damage, just make it easier to die. If a baddie gets shot he should look like he fucking got shot.
Don't worry. Not too many po po patrolling Kotaku comment sections.
i wish the animations in this game were better.
Damn I thought the "average joe" was going to actually go for it. Turned out to be just a bunch of silly pratfalls.
Don't be racist...