
I don’t know why I like it so much, but I do.

I haven’t gotten tired of all this Bowsette stuff and I see no reason to start now.

Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.

something something shame something something modesty!!!!

Anyone find this kind of silly given the context of murdering hundreds of people in a death game built around the same style of another game on the same engine which was built on the story of japanese school children mudering each other that was stolen by a random white lady for a popular book then movie series?

Isn’t canon spelt with one n? Anyway, here’s my favourite take so far:

Sometimes it’s red, sometimes it’s blonde. It depends on the artist and how close they want it to look like a Peach variation.


How about a Mario RPG that is somewhat themed like Adventure Time where every kingdom is led by a princess? Bowsette, Boosette, Chompette, Yoshette, etc...

I’m a Chompette man myself:

I feel like a much more successful Mario Odyssey spinoff game could be made out of this concept...

If this epidemic doesn’t spawn its own fan-made RPG or Platformer series based entirely around these characters, I’ll have lost all faith in the internet’s ability to defy Nintendo’s wishes relentlessly.

What have we unleashed to the world?

They need to alter the eyes to make her look more mischievious. Still looks too much like Peach’s normal eyes. 

Uh-oh ....

I had that same thought, at least the original lay-offs appear to have gotten some form of severance and they were only competing with 90 other unemployed people in the same field vs competing with 200.

They produced a solid, high-selling product, “The Walking Dead: Season 1" and tried to use that to catapult them into the big leagues without actually doing any of the ground work that created those big developers. They had no original IPs. They only had licensed IPs which they had to pay to use and continue paying

It’s like nerds anywhere really. They tend to be shy and congregate only in certain places. The country is big enough for there to exist trends within certain subcultures, or only in certain cities.