I cannot image referring to someone or myself as an “influencer”.
I cannot image referring to someone or myself as an “influencer”.
Okay... At this point...what does a white guy have to do to get shot by a cop?
It is patently insane that a visa-holder would have his entry to the United States seemingly adjudicated based on otherpeople’s actions—particularly given his status as a matriculated student at the country’s premier educational institution.
A better title... “piece of shit scabs shocked to be treated like piece of shit scabs”.
Aral Sea was not destroyed by capitalists...
I like how everyone else is a waste of time except for the man that lost to Hillary Clinton the last go around and his current poll numbers are worst than what they were at this stage last election cycle.
Have you ever watch the EPL?
When a woman asks you not to hug her, I would recommend your respect their request in the future.
It was a joke.
Honest question, what is the secret of a team like the Ravens when it comes to kicking? Maybe I am wrong, but in their history, the worst kicker they had was Bill Cundiff for a year, and even then, his numbers were pretty stout that year.
Even the kickers they cut, they go onto having long careers in the NFL. The only…
It's a joke.
Your story puts my deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan in perspective.
I am honestly shocked people are still playing this game.
So wait...Americans are looking at the violence at matches in South America and in Eastern Europe and wondering why MLS does not want this?
Chaps. It is in a parking lot of a titty bar. The titty bar wishes it did the business that Chaps does. Fucking insanely good.
I am not sure why you need to take an aggressive tone with me but it is not necessary.
If you are stating that there was never a practice of releasing prisoners in the history of Rome...this is a very bold take.
LOL...how do you think modern ports work?
Well it makes as much sense as the company employing a rich guy like Hamilton Nolan to write on and one about how start a socialist revolution.
You are ignoring quite a bit of the sermon on the mount, which (s)he specifically referenced. It’s pretty clear in suggesting to people to bother about their own lives and make sure that they keep the commandments rather than pointing with fingers at others. Judge not, lest thou be judged etc.