
Big Ben... No big deal.

Opposite sex couples always required to be married to get visa.

Poorly I guess....

Even better, her running for Senate is empowering the push by conservatives to remove the hard fought battle to restore voting rights to the massive number of disenfranchised African Americans in the state.

You forget the very low price for meth.

I figured we have a Hillary and Chelsea ticket.

How creepy would it be to have person marry into your family that is cool with child rape?

I really dislike the new seasons. I think this is because I am not native English speaker and I cannot tell difference between character voices. It is very jarring to me. The original MST3K, I never had this problem and I do not run into this problem in Rifftrax.

The issue is that the term “enthusiastic consent” must be clearly legally defined or else it is still a grey area issue.

I mean, the swastika used to be a sun symbol to ancient cultures, but it’s been permanently co-opted.

I have never met a fellow Spanish speaker that uses this Latin X thing.

This is what happens when a project will only hire British people to do work.

Never question the democratic party’s ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 

When I get out of US navy, I was looking for work prior to university. I had colleague that worked for me in the navy that offered job with repo business he does with is father.

Canada blocks US citizens from entering over stupid shit as well.

Articles like this are why adults should stop playing childrens toys and grow up.

I have done industrial work in China. There are many factors that lead me to disagree with your perspective. China faces many difficulties that WW2 era US did not face. There are many internal domestic struggles China is currently dealing with, from environmental factors (such as water supplies, pollution etc) to

I once had to deal with a descale system where the end user decided to cheap out. Instead of getting more expensive descale pumps, they got cheaper broiler feed pump.

I later got my BS in mechanical and MS in electrical engineering. I work as a drive engineer designing, installing, and commissioning industrial systems for ports, steel mills, large ships, etc. I can go further int depth in regards to the specific issues I regularly run into in regards to bad engineering. 

I will never understand why Americans shove paper into their anus. It is very gross to me.