The trials and tribulations of rich Americans make for gripping reading...
The trials and tribulations of rich Americans make for gripping reading...
Chances are, the people handling the case have no idea who Rose McGowan or Harvey Weinstein are outside of the most basics of the ongoing story. Why on earth would officials in Virginia care about anything other than securing a conviction for their particular case?
This whole piece is exactly how systematic abuse in Hollywood, Academia, the military, and corporate America is allowed to exist and continue.
I’m sure you have more important and pressing things to think about.
She was a sophomore in college when she started using the fake online identity.
Is there going to be a follow up in 6 years when he has nervous breakdown or some drama that causes numbers to drop and he can no longer afford home, medical care, and other bills?
Wait till it hits academia in full force.
When I was doing university in the US, I learned it was very common for people to walk around campus bare footed. I never understood this at all, compounded because I got my citizenship in the US navy.
Show me a brother dumb enough to do this.
Coming from the 3rd world as a child, it is amazing to read rich Americans argue over seemingly insane things to me.
It is no different that the “horse and pony” shows the US military commands regularly have to conduct for political people.
Only in America does one claim ignorance as a winning argument in a discussion.
The hilarious thing about this stupid wall is that there is only one cement company on this side of the planet with the potential capacity to even attempt to make enough concrete.
Its unusual from an American’s perspective but in much of the world, sports are highly tied into politics and socio-economic boundaries. One of the weirdest thing for me to get used to when I came to America is just how...nice I guess, sports fans are to each other in America compared to where I am from.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled…
DA’s go for quick convictions. An attempted murder charge would be tall order. Plus victim must be fully willing to cooperate. This is not given in most cases, especially domestic violence cases.
Near as I can tell, sports journalism consists of incredibly lazy trolling.
It depends on how much time I put into making a comment.
When I am in the US to give training to customers, I explain that I am a Cleveland Browns fans. This typically confuses people greatly because I am from overseas (it is very obvious when I talk), and when I came to the US, I never lived in Cleveland.
I used to be the head mechanic on an aircraft carrier for the forward engine room. In port, we generally will have a single Cold Iron Watch. Their job is to just take logs and walk around. Its a very boring job. You are in an engine room that is about four stories tall, completely by yourself. No one to talk to. You…