Well considering SMU got the death penalty for paying players and lying about but Penn State can run a pedophile ring for over a decade and get a slap on the wrist...methinks the NCAA might be a bit arbitrary in issuing out the punishments.
Well considering SMU got the death penalty for paying players and lying about but Penn State can run a pedophile ring for over a decade and get a slap on the wrist...methinks the NCAA might be a bit arbitrary in issuing out the punishments.
I think I read somewhere that this is what saved Vanilla Ice once his career imploded. He had to sell his house and he realized he made a pretty decent amount of money on it compared to what he made with his music and TV career so now he just flips real estate.
Virtual Boy off the top of my head. The power glove. SNES CD Rom. 64DD.
I assume it is safe to say that Alex Jones has come out and said this was a false flag...
Your husband would be an extreme abnormal and not the norm if he has never had any homosexual feelings at any point in his lifetime.
I do industrial drives. Some of the drives I work on are very expensive.
Eh...it is good distraction when waiting for electricians.
You are very easy to spin up.
I imagine you spend much time during the day like this. Why?
I assumed that if I said what I said. many Canucks would be outraged.
Your little joke only works if you very carefully fail to click on any of the resultant links...
Boxing still exists?!?
Without NAFTA, where is Canada going to sell cars?
They are not voters though. I don’t understand how she is “their legislator”. By their very status in the US, they do not have a legislator. I think it is interesting they expect her to commit political suicide for no gain.
You should work on your English. I know this very well because I struggle with English.
Another perspective...the Canadian government artificially subsidizes the wages of Canadians to undercut Americans from their jobs.
Hehe...okay...go with that...
HEHEHE...you can tell from comments who is homeowner and who is not.
It is very hilarious to see a Canadian autoworker complain about NAFTA.
The idea that Ray Lewis got away with murder always makes me laugh. I am suppose to believe that a DA in Atlanta couldn’t get a black man hung if there was a shred of evidence that he did anything?