I am not from US originally. I came to US as teenager with my mother.
I am not from US originally. I came to US as teenager with my mother.
I realize this. What I mean is that F1 race cars have extreme recline to lower overall vertical displacement caused by driver.
When i was supervisor in US military, I tell junior people that if they have problem with gays or minority, like say they not like working for me because of accent, please tell me.
People do not realize this but jet pilot has much more comfortable seating position. An F1 driver is effectively laying down. It is not normal position. Plus, unlike Jet plane, padding is not kept to minimum.
IF EPL did not have restrictions on number of British required on team, what percentage of top flight teams would consist of actual British players?
I apologize. I do not use English in my regular day as I work mostly overseas.
That is truth. I do six years in US military to get full citizenship. I see this also. This guy fighting with local community where my home office is based to have huge flag pole in front yard...he did shit. He retired from air national guard. Never been deployed.
Neighborhood sounds like shithole.
I left a war torn country as teenager.
As US veteran, most difficult aspect for VA is dealing with veterans. We are not easy people to deal with. Many of us all over places (I don’t live in US anymore).
Officials love the sport they work more than any fan or player could possibly imagine.
I am often amazed at Russian policies. What I mean is that I did jobs in Russia for current employer in US before breakdown in relations. Severstal used to own many steel mills in US (Nucor and SDI made like bandits when Severstal was forced by Russian government to pull out of US).
Stupid shit like this is common before immigrant concerns. I lived in Baltimore City when i first come to America. I am fairly certain the city is still punished with funding restrictions because of needle exchange program piss off conservative Congress members back in early 90's.
I do engineering work for company that provides industrial drives, motors, and automation for many industries.
Apple has very limited functionality as PC platform. This is why outside of small part of US market, Apple does not exist in computer market. It is niche US brand for most part outside of their phone division ,which again, is not largest market share. It does not exist as industrial standard. I can get many PLC, HMI…
One of best players in European football is Robert Lewandowski.
HA! I was in US military for six years to get full citizenship when I come over as teenager with my mother. I have friends that do time conscripted in Russian Navy.
Saying you will void warranty is not simple fix. If I have product that customers routinely break into and have problems, my product looks very bad yes?!?
Let us say I change communication protocol. To be able to correct this, I need to be able to communicate with device yes? So If I change software to eliminate communication, I have created situation were I cannot fix problem...easily I should say. I will often times have to write specific code using something to force…
I can wreck havoc on open source software. You let me see code, there are many things I can do to disrupt you. Open source is not secure. The implication is that companies do not upgrade security constantly...this is what firmware is mostly about. It is also for changes in hardware in design and supply chain.