
I lived on ocean going vessel for 6 years as mechanic. One of the things I find very funny is the “Sea Steader” movement among right wing people in US.

I am engineer now based in US. I get my degree in US as well. I am very often shocked and disappointed how many times engineers believe crazy things.

I do six years in USN to get my full US citizenship. I learn very quickly to be terrified of officers from Naval Academy. Maybe two or three over years were good nuclear officers. Most seem to care more about politics and appearance than plant safety.

This is true across the US military. For some reason, the US military is determined to sacrifice air superiority by requiring a pilot on planes which is silly. Similarly the requirement of maintain a massive fleet of easy targets.

At what point does Sean Spicer “Bud Dwyer”s himself on national TV?

He did invent tasty American breakfast yes?

I would very much like to own a home next to Dan Marino. I do not think I could help myself not mentioning that we have same number of super bowl rings between us.

My knowledge of American history is not the best, but I think Benedict Arnold was not nearly as bad as many Americans think. If I am wrong, the main reason he joined the British was the poor treatment of himself and his troops by the Continental government yes?

I could not imagine being this inept or incapable of fixing things.

What I don’t get is he is from Iowa.

Okay internet tough guy...

Does this include minors? The mentally ill?

You know other countries have murderers. We just don’t have revolving doors with our prison systems. The idea that someone goes to prison and comes immediately back is very rare in most of the western world because we tend to think “Hey...this person will be leaving prison some day...maybe we should prepare them for

That is incredibly expensive.

It is a pathetic society that fails to even attempt rehabilitation.

Because it is economic disaster for California. California is not member of NAFTA. So it cannot directly trade with US, Mexico, and Canada. The port system, that handles so much West Coast traffic...is now useless as other ports are more cost effective.

YES! Such a talented player that makes EVERYONE around him better. He is a joy to watch.

Near as I can tell, the judicial system in the US is to lock up as many people as possible, for as long as possible, and then when they get out, do everything possible not to re-integrate them into society, so they naturally turn back to crime again.

As someone not born in US, I am amazed how Americans refuse to notice the differences between incarceration in most first world countries and the effect it has on recidivism.

I was driving to site in US with coworker from Poland. Like me, he was born out of US. Along ride, we are messing with AM radio station. Very rural location without FM stations and cheap rental car.