Hehehe...this is embarrassing to admit, I never once went on the flight deck. I know airdales wore craniums helmets, but I do not know what they are made of. I was nuke mechanic in bottom of the ship all the time.
Hehehe...this is embarrassing to admit, I never once went on the flight deck. I know airdales wore craniums helmets, but I do not know what they are made of. I was nuke mechanic in bottom of the ship all the time.
I was doing job in very remote oil field site. Young electrician working with me while I commission equipment. He was nice person, but very sheltered. He was asking many questions about my background because of my accent, like how I get to US, why I had US military tattoos, how equipment worked.
I think you are asking about the hoods yes? These are flash hoods. In USN, during battlestation drills, everyone roll down sleeves, tuck poopie suit legs into socks, and wear flash hoods. Some drills require full gas masks.
I had customers from Kentucky that pay me to come out for training. I feel very bad because I have to explain the type of equipment the management bought them is only sold for China market normally. It is drives with no incoming disconnect and no outgoing AC contact.
Hehehe...it is very easy to offend people here.
No I agree. I do not what people to think I hate America. I love America. But I hate doing job assignments in US because many times corners cut to save money short term and is more expensive long term.
Some states, like Florida, are proposing doing the opposite. Increase tuition costs for STEM course work (which already exists because of lab fees and whatnot) because STEM majors are more likely to pay back loans on time.
This is not union thing...this is American thing.
When I was in university in US, I was part of women’s engineering society. I would get at presentations for new students why I was part of organization.
This shit goes beyond journalism and across industry in US. Many times I am told to do job for cheap. Cut all corners. Is crazy and only in US. It is very much like working in 3rd world.
I am honestly surprised so few get fired.
I am no basketball guru. I work in steel, paper, ports, and other industrial sites. I install large equipment and commission them.
Autism, drug abuse, mental health...it is amazing how badly US cinema portrays people with these issues.
I have heard drunk Japanese business men sing english songs better than this person. Is he like famous singer?
I am very sincere. If you are ever in VA, near Tenn border, you should visit Roanoke. It is fun town. Friendly and very international.
I like my CEO very much. I have customers in office from Kentucky today. The customer has issue with integrator in Mexico. So we have phone conference with two engineers from Kentucky, with integrator in Mexico. My Italian and Polish coworker are using Spanish to talk to integrator. I am explaining conversation with…
The significance of her crime mandates the custody she was in. She was not in full isolation because she is transgender. A man or a woman, with same level of charge, would be in same custody situation.
I do not mean for this interaction to be very serious. I apologize if you think it is as this is not my intention. While I am American (I did six years in US military to get full citizenship), my English is not strong. I am here as a teenager. I now have a job that I do not use English on regular basis.
My issue with Manning is this. Plenty of us gay/lesbian/bi/transgender military members served with distinction. Only Manning felt the need to commit treason.
Why would you think these customers were my “friends”? That makes...oh wait...all non-whites know each other. I get this a lot from my white American friends. Is funny joke!